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Case Studies

Discover how Zero Ridge solutions enhance efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, and generate income for domestic, commercial, and industrial organisations.

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Charles Martell & Sons Case Study

Stinking Bishop, the cheese of choice of Wallace and Gromit and a favourite in delicatessens, is made in a Gloucestershire dairy farm using an HDG Euro Log biomass boiler.

Croft Castle Case Study

Croft Castle, in Herefordshire, is looking forward to a warmer winter thanks to its newly installed Zero Ridge HDG Compact 200 wood chip boiler...

Standish Morton Farm Case Study

A renovated farm house in Upton Upon Severn installs an SHT TDA 40kW Log/Pellet boiler

Whitewells Farm Cottages

The simple requirements were to make the cottages warm and cosy and have an endless supply of hot water achieved with HDG 150kW pellet boiler and a HDG 40kW log boiler.

Hellens Manor Case Study

Hellens Manor, in Herefordshire, had some unique heating challenges, our HDG M240 wood chip boiler solution met and exceeded them.

Ledbury Rugby Club Case Study

LRFC needed serious amounts of hot water to wash the mud away after matches, they also have two bars, offices, entrance hall and a large function room capable of hosting weddings and business conferences which require heating.

Village Hall Case Study

Energy survey and revamp of heating system saves Village Hall over 40% in heating costs.

Cwtch Cabins Campsite Case Study

Cwtch cabins, an off grid campsite enterprise, relies on generating all electricity and heat on site from renewable sources including a HDG K33 wood pellet boiler.

Nuttall Farm Case Study

Nuttall Farm is located in a tranquil valley on the steep slopes of Marcle Ridge and was renovated in 2022 and needed a revamp of it's old oil fired heating system replacing it with a HDG F Series log boiler.

Little Penarth Farm Case Study

Little Penarth farm is an organic farm with strong eco credentials, and required an equally environment friendly heating system provided by a HDG 50kW Euro log boiler.

Wilmot House Case Study

Wilmot House is a school boarding facility, housing students at Cathedral School Hereford updated its heating system to a HDG M175 wood pellet boiler combined with hot waterl and PV solar panels

Egg Farm Case Study

A free range egg producer based in Scotland has added a third wood M400 wood chip boiler to his egg production system, doubling his heating capacity.

Chicken Farm Case Study

The aim of the redesign was to enhance the system's efficiency, improve heat delivery to the chicken sheds, and reduce unnecessary energy usage.