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All HDG Spares

HDG spare parts. Continuous list.

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Fuel chamber hatch right cpl. TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 703029
Ash door left cpl. TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 703031
Comb.chamb.door right cpl. TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 703031
Inside door left TT 60 L, (until BJ 2003) IDT no. 704002
Inside door right TT 60 L, (until BJ 2003) IDT no. 704002
Inside door left TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 704005
Inside door right TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 704005
Cleaning shaft lid cpl. TT 60 L IDT no. 705002
Gasket kit cleaning shaft lid TT 60 L IDT no. 70500
Flue gas deflector plate TT 60 L IDT no. 706003
Flue gas flap cpl. TT 60 L IDT no. 707003
Tension spring TT 60 L IDT no. 707004
Flue gas flap bar cpl. TT 60 L IDT no. 707007
Handle TT 60 L, with screws IDT no. 707008
Protection plate frontside TT 60 L, with tapping screws IDT no. 708005
Cables for cladding TT 60 L, (until BJ 2003)
Cable air control unit TT 60 L for door hinge left
Cable air control unit TT 60 L for door hinged right
Cover actuator TT 60 L IDT no. 708034
Cover for cladding Side left and right IDT no. 708036
Cladding lid middle TT 60 L, without filler cap IDT no. 708040
Cladding left TT60L, right (from BJ 2005) IDT no. 708044 without wiring.
Cladding right TT60L, right (from BJ 2005) IDT no. 708048 without wiring.
Cables for cladding TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004)
Cladding lid back TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 708054
Cover actuator TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004) IDT no. 708058
Cladding cpl. to Turbotec left o.Fülldeckel
Ash pan TT 60 L IDT no. 710003
Cleaning tools cpl. TT 60 L IDT no. 710008
Release buzzer TT 60 L IDT no. 711008
Flue gas fan Turbotec IDT no. 713002
Fan wheel TT 60 L IDT no. 713005
Flue gas temperature sensor TT 60 L, with plug IDT no. 714005 = 700034
Fuel chamber door right cpl. TT 60 L, (from BJ 2004)
Actuator primary air with 4-pin plug IDT no. 702008
Actuator secondary air with 4-pin plug IDT no. 702008